As easy to see…

We live in a world of many challenges – Masses are uncertain about the future and many are unsure about where they find themselves in the present. There is brokenness and the need for healing and a ray of hope for many goes a long ways. We believe the Lord Jesus Christ has called us to administer these precious commodities of love to as many as we can. There is a saying; ‘healed people, heal people.’ We all know what it means to need healing and we also know the One who healed us and continue to do so, has healing for all. We excitedly embrace the fact that we are in this together. We are His ‘body’.

Love Relations…

Our desire is to know our Lord and Savior in such a personal and intimate way that reflects our love and endearment for Him. To accomplish this we understand how vital it is to be students and disciples of the word of God. We are aware that there is a distinct difference from knowing about Him and knowing Him. As the family of believers live out the mandate of love for Christ, it impacts the environment of the community in which we conduct our worship to and for Him. Loving Him is loving one another. In the scriptures there is found a question of great significance; ‘am I my brother’s keeper?’ We answer emphatically, ‘yes’. God uses each believer as a covering for other believers. We will grow and mature together in love, for we are His… Body of Christ Family Church.

His Arms…

We see how merciful God has been to each of us by bringing us into salvation. We understand that His mission upon us is to reach those of His family, who are not as yet in the kingdom of God. The word of God states, ‘His arms are not short that He cannot save.’ We endeavor that each member is fully equipped, spiritually and scripturally, to be His arm of salvation in reaching the lost and bringing healing to the hurting. Our foundation by which we stand in presenting the gospel of hope to a dying world is truth. The truth is, Jesus saves and by His grace He uses those who are His. We are instruments of righteousness by which the Holy Ghost will use in His plan of salvation and arms ever reaching to bring Him glory. We also understand that there is a real opposer who would like to do whatever is necessary to interfere with this objective.

Our Mission

The primary target of this ministry, Body of Christ Family Church, is to bring healing to people in every way needed. Through teaching and living the Word of God, our goal is to develop believers to be like Christ and to help them enhance their love for Him. Our ministry has been placed here to serve people and to meet the needs of the whole family, thus encouraging and teaching men and women to take their rightful place in God, in the church, in their home and in their communities.

Meet Our Pastors

Billy Grate has a zeal to bring restoration to broken family relationships. He believes that the only hope for the generation today is for men to take their rightful place in the family structure. His desire is to bring healing to those who have been wounded by the circumstances of life, both naturally and spiritually. He realizes that one of the greatest challenges of today is to combat illiteracy, especially among those who are considered to be at-risk. He believes that no matter who they are, every person is vitally important. His greatest passion is that people would know the love of Christ.
Billy and his wife, Thelma, founded Body of Christ Family Church and under the guidance and direction of our Lord, Jesus Christ, have taken a dream and made it reality. The determination and excitement that they possess has greatly impacted the community of Red Oak, Texas. The church along with the people and the city shall never be the same.