About Us

Training Trees Academy is a vision born out of concern for the state of our children’s current complexed and declining educational system. We believe that God has called us for such a time as this to do something about that which is taking place in the earth. Our children are taught “anti-Christ”, “anti-Family” and “anti-Gender” concepts among other ungodly influences.

The key objective of our ministry is to translate this vision to help our children in life. Nehemiah said it best when he gave instructions to the people of God when they were up against seemingly unsurmountable challenges…”Fight For Your Families”. We want you to know that we’re in this together and we’re here for you.

In an effort to ensure exceptional resources for learning, there are tuitions and fees associated with enrollment and membership into our school. We want to provide the very best resources and curriculum possible for our children.

Abeka Homeschool curriculum is a thoroughly Christian, traditional program that emphasizes biblical character building through their rigorous Pre-Kindergarten – Grade 12 textbooks.

We have made close and careful efforts to set our fees to a bare minimal in order to ensure affordability for every child. We take time to talk and discuss commitment, accountability, involvement and participation in our program with all parents. We want to assure you that we are not here to babysit or that this is a daycare center. We advocate that learning starts as early as the womb and forever continues. 

We have created an environment that we feel is conducive to successful and productive learning as well as making every effort to ensure a safe and inviting environment for our children. We believe in and strive for spiritual and natural growth and success for all of our students. This is why we have accepted the call to serve our children with a biblical foundation. (Proverbs 22:6)

“We’re Fighting For Our Children”

“Train up a child in the way he should go, And even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

Above All, Let us Pray for our children

“Children are an heritage of the Lord” and the task that the Lord has given us to take on is a tremendous blow to the enemy. He wants our children, to hinder their relationship with Jesus Christ, to halt their progress and success in life, and to ultimately destroy them.

We refuse to stand by idle with our heads in the sand and allow one iota of destruction in our children’s lives. There will be no confusion about sexual identity, no bullying, no negative influences of any kind, they deserve better. Our children shall be taught that they are children of the Most High God. They will be taught to stand boldly and full of confidence. Confident that they have a right to the promises of God and His love. As Nehemiah instructed, “WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR CHILDREN with all the God-given strength and guidance that we have. Families be encouraged for the Lord, our God is with us.

-Billy Grate, Director